
Help questions

Basic Details

Your URL - This will be pre-populated by default with your unique URL. Do not edit the URL as this will prevent your web shop from working correctly. If you would like to use your own domain name, please follow the section of this guide titled ‘Using a Custom Domain Name’.

Force SSL - When this control is enabled, your webshop is automatically redirected to HTTPS. This applies only for webshops using the subdomain. We recommend you enable this when embedding your webshop into a website which has an SSL certificate installed.

Publish My Web shop - Makes your Web Shop available to view online. Leave this control set to ‘No’ until you have set up your web shop.

Show Banners - Pro users only - Allows you to disable Ralawise banners on your web shop.

Company information - This information appears at the top of each page on your web shop and also on order confirmation emails. The company information you enter here does not display in the footer of your website. To add your company information to the footer, access design & content - content pages – footer and edit the text manually.

Show Company Name in page title – When this control is set to ‘YES’, the webshop displays the information in the field ‘Company Name’ in the title of each page. You’ll be able to see this on the tab on your browser, e.g. “About Us | ABC Workwear”.